Category: Discussed on the Today Show

Domestic Abuse

As discussed on the RTE TODAY show with Maura Derrane and Daithí Ó Sé.

There are still issues in Irish society that are taboo – that we do not like to talk about, that we’d prefer to not admit are happening. Domestic violence is one such issue. It takes many forms; physical, emotional, mental, sexual, financial, elder, social, child, online. It’s predominantly perpetrated by men against women, but is also experienced against men. It is not gender specific and is not confined to heterosexual relationships. People of every age experience domestic abuse – from children to the elderly.

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Returning to the workplace after a lengthy absence

As discussed on the RTE TODAY  show with Maura Derrane and Daithí Ó Sé.

Though returning to work is generally hugely positive, we can experience:

    • Fear – can be huge – fear of the unknown, fear of change.
    • Anxiety – we’re always going to experience anxiety at our growing edge – when we push ourselves to do something new. In the pit of our stomach – this can be debilitating.

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Loneliness and isolation – coping strategies

Loneliness & Isolation – as discussed on the RTE TODAY show with Maura Derrane and Daithí Ó Sé.

We can be lonely in a crowded room. We can be lonely in our homes, even in a relationship – if we’re not fully able to be ourselves with somebody. A deeper more shattering loneliness is having nobody to talk to or nobody to meet. Isolation hits all ages and is not gender specific. Can be come about after bereavement, a job loss, after relationship breakdown, family moving on, arriving at older years, moving location etc. Loneliness can impact our mental and physical health.

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A Dot of Grief in Time

My little five and a half year old boy had his first brush with the grim reaper today. His favourite hen, Dotty, popped her clogs. He asked about her health problem and how she had seemingly recovered over the past few days, even laying eggs again. But she nose-dived yesterday evening and, by morning, had become a “past-tense-hen”, as the late Gerry Ryan might say.


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